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Tecplot 360

Techplot Inc.

Permitted Users

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff

Permitted Usage

  • Classwork
  • Research
  • Administrative

VPN Required?

  • Off campus


Tecplot 360 is a suite of CFD visualization and analysis tools that can handle large data sets, automate workflows, and visualize parametric results.


  • Valid from June 1 to May 30
  • Covers the latest versions of Tecplot 360 and Tecplot RS
  • Tecplot Focus is not covered
  • No individual cost at this time
  • This product is continually under review and may require a cost in the future

Access and Installation

  1. To request access, please complete this request form. You will receive an email once access has been granted. Allow up to 2 business days to complete.
  2. Once you have access, visit the Software Download site for installation files and instructions.

Usage Notes

  1. Make sure the username that you are logged into your computer with matches your VT Username.
  2. If off campus, you must be connected to the VT VPN first.


  • If this is a VT-owned system, contact your IT Department for assistance.
  • If this is a personal system, contact the SWAT Office for assistance.
Please direct any license related questions to the college's Director of Information Technology.